Request Journal articles for Free

Often you find yourself staring at a webpage in rage and anger when you have just found a great article to read and its asking you to pay some amount to read it! You an make requests here to read those articles free of charge.

There are various ways to find the article you wish to read:

  1. You may already have institutional access at your institution, just go to lab and try from there!
  2. Often your librarian will be able to get the article for you if you ask nicely!
  3. Join a library which offers access to a lot of resources; both online and offline!
  4. Subscribe to a publisher!
  5. Find a place where you can place a request for it and than wait!

Here you can post a request in comment box with your email. Make sure that you post your requests in a proper format. Any added info like publisher, link, screenshot etc will be helpful. If i will be able to find the article than i will email it to you.

NOTE: Only make requests related to Medicine and Surgery.



  1. A website dedicated to providing free articles:

    Visit gigaforum

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