As the name suggests, this post introduces the blast wave concept by text, audio and video.
Mechanism of an Explosion: Shock Wave (Blast Wave, Blast Radius)
This post is about the mechanism of an explosion. We all know that it creates a shock wave also known as a blast wave. You must have listened to Forensic experts on movies and TV talking about blast radius, well the radius is the distance up to which the blast wave or shock wave travels evaporating or hurling anything in its path. More the blast material in it more the radius of shock wave and more the devastation. Now i come to more technical part:

Video clip to Demonstrate the mechanism:
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From Global Amazon:
Mechanism of an Explosion: Shock Wave (Blast Wave, Blast Radius)
This post is about the mechanism of an explosion. We all know that it creates a shock wave also known as a blast wave. You must have listened to Forensic experts on movies and TV talking about blast radius, well the radius is the distance up to which the blast wave or shock wave travels evaporating or hurling anything in its path. More the blast material in it more the radius of shock wave and more the devastation. Now i come to more technical part:

- Intense exothermic reaction
- Detonation: Propagation at supersonic speeds (approximately 5000 m/s) radially from the explosion.
- A shock wave (blast wave) is generated in the surrounding setting in motion the mass movement of air (the dynamic overpressure or blast wind)
- Propulsion of fragments and environmental material
- Intense thermal radiation
Video clip to Demonstrate the mechanism:
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From Global Amazon:
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