dogelon mars is muslim

 There is news, unconfirmed however that dogelon mars is now Muslim, or atleast learning to be among muslim, see for yourself:

My Experience of
I did transaction twice on site and i was very glad that i found this site. They have vast amount of payment options because its not built into system but gives freedom to users to pay via there own chosen method while at the same time control bitcoins using the site system and release by themselves at there own discretion.

Commission Junction Steal Money

Commission Junction is an affiliate network on internet and it has lot of companies in its advertising product list. People do make a lot of money using the affiliate links provided by this network site and sometimes they provide more commission than any other program on the Internet.

But there is a catch: If you are a small time blogger or affiliate marketer and struggle to make sales than you are in trouble. According to CJ rules if you do not make a sale for a long time than your account will start to be deducted for 10 dollars every month as Dormancy Fee, until the account balance becomes 0 after that your account is closed.

So think twice before you join this program, there are many other programs like Amazon Associates etc. This program has no hidden fee but the commission is lowest, however your money is saved in their account and they allow many forms of payments.

Bitcoin mining in Pakistan: updated December 2013

I published an article on this topic in 2013. I just wanted to provide you with latest updates. I felt this because most people would have been tempted by the news that the price of 1 bitcoin just soared to 1000 dollars last few days ago, and anybody having just 1 bitcoin would have earned 1000 dollars by selling it. The price is around 700 dollars at the time of writing this article, so is bitcoin mining profitable in Pakistan?

Smoking or no smkoing

Hello here is one topic which came into my mind last night observing few smokers.

Is it the relaxation one gets during the smoking in a group or alone, which leads to a unique personality of a smoker?

I mean lets say that we stand or sit in a group or alone for a few minutes doing nothing and just relax, will it lead to same addiction/relaxation/improved efficiency which one gets when one smokes alone or in a group.

Lets say you were working very hard and moving all day long from one place to another on foot and than you started to miss few things later and you just paused for a few minutes and sat down and relaxed, will it lead to same effects if one pauses and smokes for a few minutes? Which person achieves more relaxation and thus able to continue more efficiently for the remaining day?

Faisalabad Clock Tower in Union Jack flag shape

I am continuing my series on mysterious architecture in Pakistan, this time its Faisalabad Clock Tower.

Assessment of Quality of Care Provided at Government Hospitals around the World

It is very important that the health institutions are subjected to regular monitoring of quality of care they provide because measuring these will automatically improve the quality. The tertiary care centers and specialist centers around the world will benefit from this assessment in many ways. I am outlining few parameters to determine the quality of health provided at health institutions.

List of Leadership Traits of a Surgeon

Good leadership is a corner stone to achieve expected results in a surgical unit, be it any specialty. Here in this article i am writing few characteristics which a good leader in the surgical department always possesses.

Countries with laws against Smoking

Smoking is hazardous for health. There is enough evidence to prove that it can cause almost any disease in the human body from simple chest infection to dangerous cancers. There are countries which have laws against the smoking at different levels e.g., no advertisements in public places and no smoking in public places etc.